- 1. What Jessie infamously said they should break up over
- 5. The holiday of the party they fell in love at
- 8. Another word for 'it's meant to be'
- 10. The city they met in
- 11. The only man erin loves more than David
- 15. What they will be on May 11th at 5pm
- 17. The company they met at
- 18. State they were engaged in
- 20. His job
- 22. Her job
- 1. The wall they first shared
- 2. Jessie's response to David texting about Erin's engagement ring
- 3. Their favorite landlord they have ever had
- 4. What they got engaged on
- 6. Their wedding month
- 7. The game that got him her number
- 9. The number street they met on
- 12. Where they met
- 13. The boy
- 14. The girl
- 16. Part of town where they met
- 19. What they share most
- 21. How they speak to eachother jokingly
- 23. Color of the dress she wore when they fell in love at the party