Love Bug

  1. 5. Wedding witness
  2. 7. Best part of waking up
  3. 8. You denied it to me
  4. 11. Bedroom is the inner part
  5. 13. What I feel for you
  6. 15. We want one
  7. 17. Our social outlet
  8. 18. Where you met me
  9. 19. Something nice to do
  10. 21. Avocado companion
  11. 22. Something fun to do
  12. 23. Downtown
  1. 1. Place to get Hawaii grindz
  2. 2. Thing I like to look at
  3. 3. Bumblebee is a good one
  4. 4. Where we made our home
  5. 6. Weather when we met
  6. 9. Pleasant pastime
  7. 10. We do it together sometimes
  8. 12. Our first dinner
  9. 14. _ Las Vegas
  10. 16. Tricky game we play
  11. 20. Your name, with "bug"