Love Is ...

  1. 3. Love keeps no record of ____ (hold grudges, unwilling to forget the sins of others)
  2. 4. Love rejoices with the ______ (actual facts).
  3. 6. Love is not ____-seeking (selfish, put self before others)
  4. 9. Love will always ____ (defend, keep others from harm).
  5. 10. Love is ____ (caring, helpful, gentle).
  6. 11. Love does not ____ (jealous, resentful).
  7. 12. Love will always ____ (never give up, endure).
  8. 15. Love does not _____ others (make others feel bad)
  1. 1. Love does not ____ (show off).
  2. 2. Love will always ____ (believe, have faith in someone).
  3. 5. Love will always ____ (expect the best, have confidence).
  4. 7. Love will never ____ (unable to achieve or complete )
  5. 8. Love is not easily ____ (lose temper)
  6. 9. Love is ____ (tolerant, not easily annoyed).
  7. 13. Love does not delight in ____ (bad things, wickedness)
  8. 14. Love is not ____ (think too highly of ourselves)