- 3. oh look, he just died
- 9. I have freckles and you have ______
- 10. our first vacation spot
- 12. who looks all wet?
- 16. you have moles and I have _____
- 18. Papa _____
- 19. at one point, your favorite band
- 20. I call you King _______
- 23. your major
- 24. means I love you
- 26. one of our favourite albums together
- 28. this book changed my life and made you cry
- 30. I bought a _____
- 32. my major
- 33. you have purchased so many versions of this
- 1. also my major
- 2. name of our caterer
- 4. the first concert we saw together
- 5. you make the best ____
- 6. one of the greatest concerts either of us have ever been to
- 7. the best kind of slug
- 8. the second school we attended together
- 11. Nick Offerman reccommends ScotchyMc_____
- 13. ____ Day!
- 14. honeymoon
- 15. where you asked me out
- 17. we loved her probably too much
- 21. women are _____ and I don't respect them
- 22. you feel SOOOOOOO _____
- 25. a beloved cookie of yours
- 27. our first Thanksgiving
- 29. the first school we attended together
- 31. we built it together
- 34. You have the most perfect ones on your head