Love Story

  1. 3. Gemma's favourite cocktail?
  2. 6. In which month is Gemma's Birthday?
  3. 8. What kind of car does Adam drive?
  4. 10. What is Gemma's 'lucky number'?
  5. 12. Where did Adam propose?
  6. 13. The name of Gemma & Adam's dog?
  1. 1. In which month did Adam propose?
  2. 2. The name of Adam's favourite band?
  3. 4. Gemma's favourite Taylor Swift song?
  4. 5. In which month is Adam's Birthday?
  5. 7. Where did Adam take Gemma to surprise her for their engagement anniversary?
  6. 9. Where do Adam & Gemma plan to honeymoon?
  7. 11. Mr & Mrs?