Love you

  1. 5. home
  2. 7. Fonda’s Voice
  3. 9. Unofficial Honeymoon
  4. 11. Country of Martin
  5. 13. Will you?
  6. 14. Parents Fame Song
  7. 15. hairstylist
  8. 17. Japanese Lauren
  9. 18. Bread and
  1. 1. dog park takes flight
  2. 2. Jane
  3. 3. Intellectual who hosts court
  4. 4. Yoga
  5. 6. Lauren’s Work Husband
  6. 8. City of violin concert
  7. 10. Wednesdays
  8. 12. Lauren sport
  9. 16. Fairy godmother
  10. 19. First person to know we got engaged