- 5. Parking lot where I asked you an important question
- 6. Ariel is the most _________ girl in the world
- 7. My favorite girl in the world
- 9. First movie we watched together on FaceTime
- 10. Most infamous day of our time
- 12. Game in which I have never beat you in
- 14. Favorite name to call you
- 19. Name of the school Tech played when we went to LBK
- 20. MLB team who's logo looks like a Duck
- 21. Our favorite holiday meal
- 22. Favorite Odessa snack
- 1. Name of the city you fell asleep in when coming back from Dallas
- 2. Name of the sport I continuously beat you in
- 3. Name of the town we stopped in New Mexico on our way back from California
- 4. Name of our song
- 5. Best team in the NFL
- 8. Team the Rangers played when we went to see them
- 11. Something I called you early on during our FaceTime dates
- 13. Name of our Dominos delivery driver in OKC
- 15. Your DJ name
- 16. Length of time that I want to spend with you
- 17. The drink we owe all of this to
- 18. Place we ate first night at your house