Lovecraft Labels

  1. 1. boreal pole mountain described by both Lovecraft and Poe
  2. 4. spell casting cultist
  3. 5. _____ic rise, despite being rocky
  4. 7. site of slimy green vaults
  5. 10. where terror is academic
  6. 12. philosophy that humans are insignificant in the larger scheme of intergalactic existence
  7. 17. witch trial state in which many Lovecraft stories are located
  8. 19. aggressive incursion
  9. 21. Lovecraft's first two initials stand for
  10. 25. synonym of "strange" and "unnatural"
  11. 27. the Old Ones are sometimes described as this
  12. 29. yours is iminent, if you don't solve this puzzle
  13. 31. fictional city that inspired the name of Gotham's asylum
  14. 33. impending for humanity, if the Old Ones rise
  15. 34. when you're out of this mental resource, what you have is "in" it
  1. 2. grimoire of the strange
  2. 3. ruled by Azathoth at the center of chaos
  3. 6. alternate dimension accessible through sleep
  4. 8. flying medusoid aliens
  5. 9. bad air
  6. 11. a series of quasi-religious stories about the supernatural
  7. 13. the one whose Call it is
  8. 14. part of the Great Old One's face that first grabs you
  9. 15. denizens of Saturn
  10. 16. gelatinous flesh creature
  11. 18. "The Colour Out of _____"
  12. 20. wgah'nagl _____
  13. 22. where the deep ones emerge
  14. 23. landform associated with Leng
  15. 24. strange things death may die with
  16. 26. fire station drunkard with loose lips
  17. 28. where Dagon's worshippers convene
  18. 30. Yog Shothoth is its key and guardian
  19. 32. unspeakably yellow, but not cowardly