
  1. 1. to feel blue
  2. 2. to feel angry
  3. 3. to strongly dislike something
  4. 7. to be tired of something
  5. 8. associated with love (valentines day)
  6. 10. to enjoy something
  7. 11. someone who constantly needs something
  8. 14. to like something
  9. 16. something that can be loved easily
  10. 17. to feel cloudy
  1. 1. to feel sorry for
  2. 4. to love something
  3. 5. to love something
  4. 6. something that you love to do because it is (blank
  5. 9. to feel mad
  6. 12. to fell bad for
  7. 13. in a happy mood
  8. 15. good mindset