Low Back Pain

  1. 2. Verb, about pain: spread to different areas.
  2. 4. point Noun, hypersensitive spot.
  3. 7. back dimple Noun, small pits in the lower back.
  4. 8. Noun, opposite of flexibility.
  5. 10. Noun, tiredness.
  6. 12. Noun, situation when a muscle which has been tight for a long time doesn't relax.
  7. 14. joint Noun, joint between the sacrum and the pelvis.
  8. 18. Verb, about a muscle: disappear.
  9. 19. Verb, here: experience, have an injury.
  1. 1. to Verb, muscles do this with bones.
  2. 3. with Adjective, connected with, related to.
  3. 4. Noun, when you are tense you feel .............
  4. 5. Verb, cause harm, allergic reaction of the skin or any body part.
  5. 6. Noun, feeling in your legs after a long hike, walk, run.
  6. 9. band syndrome Noun, injury to the knee, often in runners.
  7. 11. Noun, more than a half.
  8. 13. trochanter Noun, part of femur, gluteus minimus attaches here.
  9. 15. Verb, about pressure: use; also put cream or oil on your skin.
  10. 16. Adjective, lasting really long.
  11. 17. Verb, you do it with a trigger point to relieve tension or pain.