LT 1.2: Mitosis

  1. 4. prepares the cell for mitosis to occur
  2. 8. Cell splits into two identical cells
  3. 10. In DNA replication, the two strands of the DNA separate and both original strands act as templates for the new copies of DNA to be made.
  4. 11. chromosomes, each with 2 chromatids, line up in the middle of cell. Ensures both cells get all sets of chromosomes.
  5. 12. Chromatin coil and form chromosomes that condense and the nuclear envelope disappears
  1. 1. two new copies of DNA are made from one original strand and one new strand.
  2. 2. Normal growing, active phase of a cell and DNA in nucleus is in thread like form. DNA duplicate
  3. 3. synthesizes new DNA before mitosis through DNA replication
  4. 4. normal growth, active part of a cells’ life
  5. 5. Sister Chromatids are separated and move toward opposite ends of the cell. Makes sure both cells get equal DNA
  6. 6. Process where one parent cell divides into two identical daughter cells, used for growth, repair, and renewal
  7. 7. What a cell does during its lifetime
  8. 9. Chromosomes are at the ends and are becoming more relaxed unraveling into chromatin and the nuclear envelope is reforming