- 4. the smallest units in our study of words and grammar
- 8. this variety of English is considered more formal, and is most common in its written form
- 9. this approach to language focuses on the rules that govern language usage, and the belief that everyone should follow these rules
- 13. refers to a person’s personal dialect, and their individual speech habits
- 14. _______ is the period linking Old English and Early Modern English
- 15. permanent and static
- 1. this variety of English includes informal colloquialisms
- 2. one of the word classes in English grammar
- 3. this approach to language focuses on describing how we actually use language, without making judgements about the ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ language
- 5. being able to understand and converse in English, provides one with more educational and employment ______ - not only in South Africa, but across the world
- 6. Anglo-Saxon society was shaped by the three Germanic tribes (Angles, Saxons and ______)
- 7. idiolect consists of _____, syntax and
- 8. transient and dynamic
- 10. the English language has spread geographically through this process
- 11. varieties of English around the globe include Canadian English, American English, South African English...
- 12. the study of the relationship between words and meanings