Luke B Chapter 8 21 vocab words

  1. 2. is a comparison of a machines work output with the work input
  2. 4. the unit used to express work
  3. 9. machines that are made of two or more simple machines
  4. 10. a simple machine consisting of two circular object of different sizes
  5. 11. a simple machine consisting of a grooved wheel that holds a rope or a cable
  6. 12. the unit used to express power is joules per second which is more simply called
  7. 13. a device that helps make work easier by changing the size or direction of a force
  8. 14. the work done by a machine
  9. 15. a simple machine consisting of a bar that pivots at a fixed point
  1. 1. a simple machine that is straight, slanted surface
  2. 3. tells you how many times the machine multiples force
  3. 5. a double inclined plane that moves
  4. 6. the work you do on a machine
  5. 7. the rate at which work is done
  6. 8. an inclined plane that is wrapped in a spiral
  7. 12. occurs when a force causes an object to move in the direction of the force