Lunar New Year

  1. 1. This food means that we will be rich every year
  2. 2. __Calendar
  3. 3. A big part of Lunar New Years celebration
  4. 4. What is the main color the of Lunar New Year?
  5. 8. What a lot of families do on New Years
  6. 9. What kids get from school to celebrate New Years
  7. 10. Weather during wintertime
  8. 11. What parents give to kids on New Years
  9. 12. What parents give to kids on Christmas in America
  1. 1. They make a really loud popping noise
  2. 2. What dance do most New Year celebrations do?
  3. 5. A food Chinese people eat on New Years
  4. 6. What America celebrates before New Years
  5. 7. What zodiac sign is it this year?