Lunch Money

  1. 4. unicorn- the name of maura’s comic books
  2. 6. the people incharge of all the schools .
  3. 8. the machine that greg copies his comics
  4. 9. the coin that greg likes to stack
  5. 10. the name of greg's comics.
  6. 13. the last name of the principal.
  7. 15. the first name of the main character
  8. 16. maura’s last name
  9. 18. the size of greg's comics
  10. 19. the thing that Maura bought for greg as part of the deal.
  1. 1. the last name of the math teacher.
  2. 2. the first thing Maura was selling.
  3. 3. what greg got when maura hit him.
  4. 5. greg's last name
  5. 7. what greg calls his comic’s
  6. 10. the word that means going against each other.
  7. 11. the currency you use to buy stuff.
  8. 12. the way Greg made his money at the start of the book .
  9. 14. the school greg goes too.
  10. 17. the school in the cafeteria corner.