LVL 1 Special Programs - Electric Emergencies

  1. 3. _______is a term used to describe brief power interruptions resulting from interference with power lines.
  2. 4. The purpose of this program is to inform life support customers, in advance, of any planned power outages.
  3. 5. ____ is a service notification created in SmartCare to report no power.
  4. 7. A ______ outage is an isolated outage, not widespread and not a system emergency.
  5. 9. ________ applies herbicides along CMP right of ways from late May to September. The herbicides used are non-toxic to humans and other mammals.
  6. 10. ______ orders are created when an emergency/nonemergency request is not address specific.
  7. 13. When a customer calls regarding more information/status of a job on a notification, ______ tab may contain valuable information.
  8. 14. ___________ is a situation where a customer or member of a customer’s household has a condition such that a lack of utility service would pose a serious risk of harm to that individual.
  9. 18. If a customer requests a safety inspection or a cover for a service cable, an ______ service notification must be initiated.
  10. 20. _______is to change the course or direction of something
  11. 22. ______ is CMP’s Low Income Assistance Plan.
  12. 23. The ___________ work center displays information for customers regarding financial assistance from LIHEAP, AMP and/or ELP.
  13. 25. Historical outage information for a premise can be located within ______.
  1. 1. scripts are available as a tool to assist with specific types of calls; such as when a customer has a disconnection notice or is inquiring about SimplePay.
  2. 2. B1 notifications created within SmartCare can be located within the _____ folder.
  3. 6. Customers may elect to sign up for CMP’s __________ if they would like to be notified of routine maintenance along public roads bordering their property, service drops, or easements.
  4. 8. ______ is available to assist customers with their electric utility bills when their balance exceeds $500 and they have at least $0.01 in 60 days or older receivables.
  5. 11. This allows customers to designate a third party (e.g. relative, landlord, clergyman, etc.) to receive calls and/or disconnection notices concerning their CMP account(s).
  6. 12. CMP maintains a ____ year cycle tree trim cycle.
  7. 15. Details regarding special programs including Low Income Home Energy AssistanceProgram (LIHEAP) Electricity Lifeline Program (ELP) and Arrears Management Program (AMP) will appear on the __________.
  8. 16. The estimated time power will be restored.
  9. 17. ____ is a confirmed outage incident affecting more than one customer.
  10. 19. Is a federally funded program that provides grant money to help low-income homeowners and renters pay for heating costs.
  11. 21. _______ to rub or wear away the insulation around the bare wires especially by friction.
  12. 24. _______is any limb/trunk under 3 inches in diameter.