lydia bday

  1. 2. your slender high fashion furry friend
  2. 4. what you are to me
  3. 8. where we met
  4. 9. a place for snacks off exit 2
  5. 12. Lydia's favorite island community
  6. 14. alma mater
  7. 16. a form of mass change, also high fashion
  1. 1. ski location, partly found between five and seven
  2. 3. our travel destination
  3. 5. facilitator of our trauma bonding
  4. 6. my old chubby snuggly furry friend
  5. 7. gathering hole near chemistry
  6. 10. our claim to fame ft. mice
  7. 11. cold fluffy substance
  8. 13. peak performance
  9. 15. place to dive into deep water