  1. 3. Pickup time 0-7 miles one-way (spelt out)
  2. 5. Hospital Discharge appointment time (spelt out)
  3. 8. Lyft Requirement (trip has to meet)
  4. 9. What button do you click to dispatch an addtional stop or return ride?
  5. 11. Lyft Requirement
  6. 14. Onboarding member (Notate)
  7. 16. Who verifies the pickup and drop-off locations in the "Schedule Leg" window?
  8. 17. Lyft Requirement (Zip Codes)
  9. 18. All Lyft trips must have an LOS of...
  10. 19. When re-dispatching A or R legs, what button do you select on Page 3?
  1. 1. Pickup time 8-35 miles one-way (spelt out)
  2. 2. Onboarding member
  3. 4. Not required, but preferred
  4. 6. Lyft Requirement (Age)
  5. 7. Add the minutes for the miles plus the time buffer together
  6. 10. Trip Status of completed trip
  7. 12. Onboarding member (phone)
  8. 13. Pickup time buffer (spelt out)
  9. 15. Where is the Lyft Dispatch Tool located?