Lymphatic System

  1. 5. area of rapid mitosis inside a lymph node
  2. 10. causes T lymphocytes t mature
  3. 11. one function of lymphatic system
  4. 12. dead ends where interstitial fluid enters the lymphatic system
  5. 14. type of tissue that makes a capsule
  6. 15. splenic tissue that performs lymphatic job
  7. 16. pumps lymph in the lymph vessels
  8. 18. drains lymph from the left side of the body into the superior vena cava
  9. 19. this gland shrinks after puberty
  10. 21. vessel that goes away from
  11. 22. vessel that goes towards a lymph node
  12. 24. lymph from right side of upper body drains here
  13. 26. One function of lymphatic system
  14. 27. form a protective ring around the throat with the tonsils
  15. 28. this pressure is found at the arterial end of the capillary to push substances out
  1. 1. type of white blood cell found in lymphatic tissue
  2. 2. this pressure is found at the venule end of the capillary to pull substance back into the capillary
  3. 3. non-capsulated lymphatic organ attached to intestine
  4. 4. cells that engulf foreign substance
  5. 6. splenic tissue that removes old red blood cells
  6. 7. occurs inside the thymus gland
  7. 8. fluid in lymphatic vessels
  8. 9. group of lymphocytes in small intestine wall
  9. 13. fluid found between cells of the tissue
  10. 17. disruption in lymphatic drainage
  11. 20. absorb dietary lipids in the small intestine
  12. 23. prevent backflow of fluid
  13. 25. group of lymphoid nodules in mouth/throat