M10 Key Words

  1. 2. lumps of dough that are cooked and eaten, either with meat and vegetables or as part of a sweet pudding.
  2. 4. to the senses or to the mind
  3. 6. day or period of the year when people stop working to celebrate a special event, often a religious one
  4. 8. show that a day or an event is important by doing sth special on it
  5. 9. large aggressive animal with wings and a long tail, that can breathe out fire
  6. 10. take place, especially without being planned
  1. 1. make sth free from dirt or dust by washing or rubbing it
  2. 3. lamp in a transparent case, often a metal case with glass sides, that has a handle, so that you can carry it outside
  3. 5. clean a room, surface, etc. using a broom
  4. 7. knitted piece of clothing made of wool or cotton for the upper part of the body, with long sleeves.