M3 Social - Chapter 1 - Civil & Criminal Law

  1. 3. a type of law whereby there is a danger to the peace, order, and stability order of society
  2. 4. a kind of law used to settle mortgage disagreements and contracts
  3. 7. when someone is put in jail permanently or a very long time
  4. 8. a kind of penalty where the defendant has to pay some money for criminal activity
  5. 9. a kind of penalty used for people who have killed another person
  1. 1. done to property when someone is found guilty of a criminal offence
  2. 2. when a group of people decide to steal or rob from others
  3. 5. a kind of contract used for lending money to people e.g. banks
  4. 6. you can call these government workers when you have been the subject of a criminal offence