M6 Independent Reading: King's Ransom Vocabulary

  1. 2. Making a secret connection to a telephone call in order to listen to people's conversations
  2. 5. An area of the city
  3. 6. A room where scientists work on tests
  4. 8. To break into a shop or house to steal something (two words, no space)
  5. 11. To break
  6. 12. One part of the electrical equipment of radios
  7. 13. Courage (informal)
  8. 14. Feeling, showing, or involving a hopeless sense that a situation is so bad as to be impossible to deal with
  9. 19. A place where an organization or company is controlled
  10. 20. A plaster model that shows the shape of something
  11. 25. An unsuccessful, small-time criminal
  12. 27. Electronic equipment that sends radio signals
  13. 28. Having no money; in debt (three words, no spaces)
  14. 29. A criminal
  1. 1. Showing no pity
  2. 3. Something, typically money, that is owed to another person, company, or government
  3. 4. A married woman whose job is to care for her family and manage household problems
  4. 7. A team of policemen who focus on crimes related to cars (two words, no space)
  5. 9. A very rich and important person in business
  6. 10. Something that someone requires others to provide
  7. 11. A share in the control and profits of a business, which is obtained by putting money into the business
  8. 15. A person whose job is to work in another person's house cleaning, answering the phone, and so on
  9. 16. To find out where something comes from
  10. 17. A person whose job is to drive a rich person to different places
  11. 18. In your thoughts and causing you to worry (three words, no spaces)
  12. 21. Having money; not in debt (three words, no spaces)
  13. 22. Money paid to a criminal to set free somebody who has been kidnapped
  14. 23. An important, successful person (informal)
  15. 24. One thousand dollars (slang)
  16. 26. To take somebody away by force, in order to demand money in return for their freedom