Macbeth Act 1 Quotations

  1. 2. .....your courage to the sticking place
  2. 3. he's here in double .....
  3. 4. false face must hide what the ..... heart doth know
  4. 7. so ....... and wild in their attire
  5. 9. the ....... of darkness tell us truths
  6. 12. I do fear thy nature, it is too full o'th'milk of human ....
  7. 13. he seems .... withal
  8. 14. let not light see my black and deep .......
  9. 16. what thou wouldst highly, that wouldst thou ....
  1. 1. but be the ....... under it
  2. 2. his brandished steel which ............ with bloody execution
  3. 5. my dull brain was wrought with things ........
  4. 6. vaulting .....
  5. 8. this ................ soliciting
  6. 9. look like the ....... flower
  7. 10. till he ........him from the nave to th'chaps
  8. 11. fill me from the crown to the toe topfull of direst .....
  9. 15. make thick my ........