Macbeth and Great Gatsby

  1. 4. What woods walk towards Macbeth before his death
  2. 6. Gatsby's business partner with whom he bootlegged and earned money.
  3. 9. I remember feeling torn. Was it right to bring a ... together with a man that I hardly knew.
  4. 11. Where does Nick work?
  5. 12. I have bought golden opinions from all sort of people, Which would be worn now in their newest...
  6. 13. Whom does the captain praise through the phrase "he unseam'd him from the nave to th'chap And fix' his head upon our battlements"
  7. 15. What is the name of Daisy's daughter
  8. 16. There the grown serpent time will ... breed
  9. 19. "look like th'... flower but be the serpent under't"
  10. 22. Who was the alcoholic Millionaire that betrayed Gatsby by preventing him from inheriting his wealth. He was Dan ...
  11. 23. The... of darkness tell us truths; Win us with honest trifle, to betray's In deepest concequence-
  1. 1. The witches prophecy that no man of ... born shall kill Macbeth.
  2. 2. Who was Banquo's son. He escaped the murder.
  3. 3. Who narrated the phrase "I was disgusted from everyone, everything"
  4. 5. What does Lady Macduff blame his husband to be?
  5. 6. My one golden shimmering ... now made me sick
  6. 7. The castle hath a ... seat
  7. 8. Who kills Myrtle Wilson?
  8. 10. What did Duncan give to Lady Macbeth for her courtesy.
  9. 14. when you durst do it, then you were a ...
  10. 17. should against the murderer shut the door, Not bear the ... himself.
  11. 18. O! full of ... in my mind
  12. 20. The previous king of Scotland
  13. 21. Who is the 'he' in the phrase "he swept in and stole her away"