Macbeth CrossWord-9ENGF-Chelsie & Lacey

  1. 1. The first characters seen, very important, supernatural beings
  2. 3. An animal that represents death, quoted by Lady Macbeth
  3. 6. The previous leader before macbeth
  4. 7. A thing expressed by a Raven
  5. 9. How Lady Macbeth is portrayed
  6. 11. What Lady Macbeth actually is, opposite of masculinity
  7. 15. What Macbeth used to be before king
  8. 16. How Lady Macbeth sees Macbeth
  9. 18. How Lady Macbeth wishes to become, begging the spirits
  10. 23. Something that Lady Macbeth suffers from, incapable of having children
  11. 24. Lady Macbeth is consumed by this feeling
  12. 25. A supernatural spirit, seen by macbeth at the banquet
  13. 26. Another common occurance, portrayed by the witches and ghost
  1. 2. The overall theme of the play, eg: comedy
  2. 4. The person who influences macbeth into killing
  3. 5. What Lady Macbeth also wishes to become, asking her femininity to be ripped away and become something else, the opposite
  4. 8. A common appearance in the play, brutal and bloody, lady macbeth influences macbeth to commit it
  5. 10. The man who doesn't show up to the banquet
  6. 12. The main character of the story
  7. 13. The word the sergeant uses to describe macbeth in act 1 scene 2
  8. 14. What does Macbeth see before him?
  9. 17. The word used to describe how macbeth is after he becomes king
  10. 18. What Macbeth and Lady Macbeth become after killing Duncan
  11. 19. The man who ends macbeths life
  12. 20. The playwright of Macbeth
  13. 21. What the witches prophecy said Macbeth would become
  14. 22. A red substance that consumes this play