Macbeth Final

  1. 3. Who does Shakespeare see sitting in his seat at the party?
  2. 4. Which Macbeth character always has to have a light by her?
  3. 5. What was Macbeth described as at the beginning of the play?
  4. 7. Who was the queen of the witches?
  5. 8. Who becomes the King of Scotland at the end of Macbeth?
  6. 9. Which king does Macbeth murder?
  7. 10. Who killed Macbeth?
  8. 13. What was Lady Macbeth doing that made the doctor visit her?
  9. 18. Which of Shakespeare's plays are actors not allowed to say in the theater?
  10. 19. How many plays did Shakespeare write?
  1. 1. What is Shakespeare's most popular play?
  2. 2. Where does Macbeth take place?
  3. 5. What does Lady Macbeth smear on the guards?
  4. 6. Banquo's son
  5. 11. Where does Malcom go after Duncan dies?
  6. 12. How old was Shakespeare when he died?
  7. 14. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?
  8. 15. What was Shakespeare's wife's name?
  9. 16. What country is Macbeth at war with?
  10. 17. Shakespeare's longest play