- 4. What is Teodora's favourite food?
- 6. My sister's name is the name of the saint we celebrate on November 25th.
- 10. What's her favourite sport?
- 12. What's her favourite song (is the outro from her favourite anime season two ending theme two)?
- 13. What is Teodora's favourite school subject?
- 1. What's her hobby?
- 2. We celebrate her birthday on..
- 3. How many bff's does Teodora have?
- 5. The cat that Șoarec hates is called ...
- 7. What instrument does Teodora want to learn to play?
- 8. What's her favourite game?
- 9. The name of Teodora's favorite anime is ... (in English)
- 11. The name of her cat is..