
  1. 3. A machine you wear that helps you fly.
  2. 5. Something very silly or funny.
  3. 6. Moving around and full of energy.
  4. 7. Something used to make energy, like gas for a car.
  5. 8. Something that is stuck in one place and doesn't move.
  6. 9. The power that makes things move, work, or change.
  7. 11. A way to measure liquid, like milk or water, in a big container.
  8. 13. A tool or device that helps do work, like a car or a computer.
  9. 15. Energy that is stored up and ready to be used.
  10. 16. Something you can do well.
  11. 17. A long walkway that goes out over water.
  12. 18. Something that could happen.
  1. 1. When something is the best or fastest ever done.
  2. 2. The strength or energy to do something.
  3. 4. A small bed for a baby.
  4. 7. The shape or way something is made.
  5. 10. To let something go or set it free.
  6. 12. Energy of something moving.
  7. 14. Kept or saved for later use.
  8. 16. Something used to make a weapon work, like bullets for a gun.