Macro economic policy and inflation work sheet- 3- 23/03/21

  1. 1. an able, willing person ready to accept the current wage rate not getting job
  2. 4. -----unemployment is caused by fall in A
  3. 8. -----unemployment caused by change in seasons
  4. 9. goods harmful goods like cigarette
  5. 12. destroying public property
  6. 13. during inflation borrowers ------
  7. 14. inflaltion caused by fall in Aggregate suppy
  8. 15. reducing bank rate is------------ monetary policy
  1. 2. only provided by government
  2. 3. consumption increases social benefit than private benefits
  3. 5. counting unemployed according to those who registered for unemployment benefits
  4. 6. during inflation leders----------
  5. 7. contineous fall in price level
  6. 10. persistent increase in general price level
  7. 11. inflation caused by increase in Aggregate demand