MACSS and Child Support General Knowledge

  1. 1. Has two humps
  2. 2. Allocation of Funds
  3. 4. Where the address goes
  4. 9. Obtaining a Court Order
  5. 10. Past Due Support
  6. 11. DSS Director
  7. 15. Can be requested every three years
  8. 16. When FRS collects
  9. 18. A process to compel a witness to appear
  10. 21. Replaced under PRWORA
  11. 22. Must be requested in writing
  12. 24. Remedies Taken
  13. 26. Not Legally Determined
  14. 28. Excused from Cooperating with FSD
  15. 30. FSD Director
  16. 31. Law to Enforce Interstate Cases
  17. 33. Signed Under Oath
  18. 34. The Right to spend time with Children
  19. 35. geographic location/exercises authority
  1. 1. Financial Support
  2. 3. To Amend
  3. 5. FSD Deputy Director
  4. 6. One Tribunal has it
  5. 7. Order to Enroll
  6. 8. Special Collections
  7. 12. Prevent Sale until debt satisfied
  8. 13. When Enforced, do not mail
  9. 14. PPS can pay with Cash
  10. 17. Wage Match Info
  11. 19. Member Enrollment System
  12. 20. Legal Establishment of Fatherhood
  13. 23. Where to Import a Document
  14. 25. Age of Majority
  15. 27. Known as Welfare Reform
  16. 29. See who must provide health insurance
  17. 32. IVD