mad maths magazine February

  1. 3. grandfather was bcc boarding house master
  2. 5. png bound and a computer whiz
  3. 6. saintly further teacher
  4. 9. surname is a popular car
  5. 10. redan netballer
  6. 13. kid from Horsham country
  7. 15. had to shave for respect
  8. 16. redan netballer
  9. 17. king islander
  10. 18. yr 11 dad was one of two brothers at BCC in 1970’s
  11. 20. twin
  12. 21. newie from year 11
  1. 1. lofty position in school
  2. 2. north ballarat cricketer
  3. 4. maryborough boy with a bad back
  4. 7. siblings bartley and georgina
  5. 8. rubik’s fanatic
  6. 11. shares his Christian name with a maths teacher
  7. 12. rebel who aced first sac
  8. 14. on stage star and carol legend
  9. 17. related to a maths teacher and eaten with meatballs
  10. 19. sister kate