Maddy's Vocab Crossword! :]

  1. 3. The wild
  2. 5. To light up, like the sun!
  3. 6. Farming crops, or just plain farming. I ___ the carrot crops
  4. 10. To protest non-peacefully
  5. 11. To travel on a boat, like sailing a ship
  6. 13. A big storm with hail. The _______ storm was a big windstorm
  7. 16. To scare someone and/or turn them to stone
  8. 18. Moist and hot. Hawaii is ____ from its beaches and plants
  9. 19. Relatives, like your cousins or parents
  10. 20. So unreasonable or insane that it's actually funny
  1. 1. To have a strong desire for, like I ____ food when I'm hungry
  2. 2. To be sure or certain
  3. 4. How birds usually fly. The eagle _____ through the sky gracefully
  4. 7. To get together or have a school _______. You meet up with a lot of people (usually)
  5. 8. To live. I barely _____ the tornado…!
  6. 9. Usually for charity, to give them money
  7. 12. Protector
  8. 14. Something you need to do. You will usually have a list of ___
  9. 15. When I was doing this, I was longing for something
  10. 17. To tell the future