Made for Us

  1. 5. the month of our anniversary
  2. 8. honeymoon spot
  3. 9. my most cherished gift
  4. 12. first gift i ever got you
  5. 14. an item of yours i always want
  6. 16. first drink i ever got you
  7. 17. my favorite color
  1. 1. i __ you
  2. 2. the place we met
  3. 3. something you havent done
  4. 4. our after school spot
  5. 6. your favorite snack
  6. 7. our go to date place
  7. 10. how many kids?
  8. 11. our first date
  9. 13. what i say when my mom aks where i am
  10. 15. the month of our wedding