Maggie Springer - Renaissance and reformation

  1. 5. settled reformation wars
  2. 6. settled religous turm oil
  3. 8. non catholic christans
  4. 10. funded the arts
  5. 11. origanal language
  6. 13. rebirth
  7. 15. catholic missionaries
  8. 17. painted sistine chapel
  9. 18. protestant leader
  10. 21. human emotion
  11. 22. invented printing press
  12. 23. mass production of books
  13. 24. make invalid
  1. 1. split in church
  2. 2. painted school of athens
  3. 3. meeting of clergy
  4. 4. painted Mona Lisa
  5. 7. catholic counter punch
  6. 9. church of england
  7. 10. 3d view in paintings
  8. 12. bronze david
  9. 14. henerys second wife/beheaded
  10. 16. nonreligous
  11. 19. religous followers of martin luther
  12. 20. paying for salvation
  13. 21. 6 wives