Magic Beach

  1. 3. Where are the king and queen trapped?
  2. 4. What does Angelfish carry?
  3. 6. What is in the chest?
  4. 9. What colour are the horses?
  5. 10. Where do the children laze?
  6. 12. What sounds do the children hear from their bed?
  7. 13. What is signalling on the cliff?
  8. 14. What do the children jump?
  1. 1. Name one thing the children make.
  2. 2. What is a group of fish called?
  3. 5. What took the hook?
  4. 7. What colour is the path on the sea?
  5. 8. What kind of wood is found on the beach?
  6. 11. What colour is the boat?