Magnet TV

  1. 1. year made
  2. 4. brought what 1960s aspect
  3. 6. turning towards this realm of art
  4. 7. his artwork was
  5. 8. commonly known as
  6. 9. the thing the tv is inside of
  7. 10. art piece title, artist name, year made(in that order, i just wanted a really long one🙂)
  8. 14. connected what principle
  9. 15. piece name
  1. 2. what do the patterns do on the tv
  2. 3. drew attention to the _____ and _____ of the tv
  3. 5. against what kind of tube
  4. 11. kind of magnet on top of the tv
  5. 12. what kind of image is made
  6. 13. artist name