Major Events of the 2000s

  1. 1. Cabinet department created after 9/11
  2. 6. Became the youngest golfer, and first black person, to win the Masters in 1997 - went on to become perhaps the most dominant golfer ever in the 2000s
  3. 7. Twin Towers that collapsed after the 9/11 terrorist attack in New York City
  4. 8. This event was caused by financial deregulation, mortgage practices and the eventual housing collapse.
  5. 10. Major pandemic that shut down standard operations in the US, first reported in Wuhan, China
  6. 12. Number 44, first Black POTUS
  7. 18. Controversial legislation passed after 9/11 to "detect and prevent terrorism"; some say it allows the government to spy and collect data without warrants
  8. 20. Conflict in the Middle East to overthrow Saddam Hussein's oppressive government and end the WMD program
  9. 21. City the I-35W bridge collapsed in in 2007
  10. 23. This hurricane in 2005 was the costliest hurricane to ever hit the US
  11. 25. Prison in Cuba that was supposed to shut down during Obama administration, yet is still operational
  12. 26. Leaker of classified documents from the NSA in 2013
  13. 28. This "King of Pop" died in 2009
  14. 29. Ruler of England who ruled for 70 years before her death in 2022
  15. 31. Government avoided this catastrophe in 2011 by 2 hours by finally raising the debt ceiling
  16. 32. Won the controversial 2000 Presidential Election after a Supreme Court ruling
  1. 2. A mass shooting at this elementary school in Connecticut killed 26 people, 20 of them children aged 6 or 7
  2. 3. Iconic MN musician died of accidental overdose in 2016 at the age of 57
  3. 4. American Olympic swimmer that is the most decorated Olympian of all time
  4. 5. Space shuttle that exploded upon reentry into Earth's atmosphere in 2003
  5. 9. First woman Speaker of the House
  6. 11. Became the oldest president after winning the 2020 election
  7. 13. State of the Union label for Iran, Iraq, and North Korea
  8. 14. A war here was to end rule by the Taliban, became the longest war in US history
  9. 15. Lead singer of Nirvana, committed suicide at 27
  10. 16. An epidemic (technically classified as a pandemic by CDC) happened in 2009-2010, common name for the H1N1 virus
  11. 17. Leader that planned the 9/11 attacks
  12. 19. Bombs exploded at the finish line of this famous race in 2013
  13. 22. Seminal piece in kicking off the superhero movie genre, especially Marvel; ft RDJ
  14. 24. The terrorist group that carried out the 9/11 attacks
  15. 27. This was a major oil spill in 2010 caused by an explosion of an offshore oil rig owned by BP
  16. 30. Became the first POTUS to be impeached twice (acquitted by the Senate both times)