major medical coverage

  1. 2. a specified amount that the insured must pay for a particular type of service. The co-payment amount generally does not apply to the insured’s stop loss or out-of-pocket maximum. For example, the policy may state that the member has a required $20 co-payment for an office visit.
  2. 4. for qualified expenses are generally tax free
  3. 7. organization that utilizes groups of providers that offer services at a negotiated discount rate. Except in emergency situations, higher deductibles and co-insurance amounts generally apply if an out of network provider is used
  4. 8. the stated benefit level where the insurance policy will indemnify the insured for 100% of eligible expenses
  5. 10. HMO plans traditionally have this offer the most benefits for non-risk type expenses such as physicals, preventative care, and wellness programs.
  6. 11. Lower premiums and higher deductible than a traditional plan 2022 as a plan with a deductible of at least $1,400 per person or $2,800 per family
  7. 14. primary care physician that acts as a this coordinates the insured member’s care when treatment by a specialist is required.
  1. 1. generally tax deductible
  2. 3. provides benefits for usual, reasonable, and customary (URC) expenses
  3. 5. plans are issued by HMO’s to provide low or no deductible and low or no co-insurance requirements if the insured obtains services from an HMO network provider.
  4. 6. Combines a Hospital Expense Reimbursement Policy and a Major Medical Policy
  5. 9. Offered only as a group benefit
  6. 12. account the insured can put money into to help pay for qualified health care expenses
  7. 13. Contributions are generally tax deductible There is generally not income tax on interest that accumulates on the account