Maker Space 6

  1. 2. When something is often on the brink of destruction or total loss and rebounds. If we limit our consumptive ways and look more towards the future and our impact, we make this is a possibility.
  2. 4. My place
  3. 6. Worked with Roosevelt to get National Parks Act passed. Key person within the conservationist movement. Tasked with creating and managing a plan for the nation’s Western forest reserves and how to prolong their lives so future generations can get the most out of them.
  4. 7. Relates to my space most from beginning of Steinberg. Group often marginalized to areas of low economic and environmental capacity. Sometimes used to promote increased travel by rail to national parks to encourage greater consumption.
  5. 8. Way to describe nature's resilient ways. Sometimes it can come back as you expect sometimes it is a little worse coming back. Either way it can come back to you if you put enough effort into it and work for it. Just like the environment if you do nothing for it nothing will be done for you.
  6. 10. step back from reality. The reason people view nature so aesthetically pleasing and continue to go into it when life gets hard and they need a break. Often hurt due to consumptive ways of life by removing this escape in nature due to finding a better use for the land.
  7. 11. Connection of land from Native American time periods to more modern times. The use of land to change from forested areas to urban centers as well as agricultural hubs. Often seen as a cause for deforestation and eutrophication from the agricultural areas into water ways.
  8. 13. Jefferson's way to divide up the land in the U.S Rectangular Land Survey. Used to increase and promote westward expansion and encourage people to settle out in the Midwest with this type of land for farming basically given away by the government.
  9. 14. Viewed as wilderness by early explorers, often viewed as resilient in faces of adversity. Place we exploit most to further our need for more products to fuel our overly consumptive society, that without change will be gone before we know it.
  1. 1. preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment, natural ecosystems, vegetation, and wildlife. Brought more into the public light by Pinchot and Roosevelt regarding the national parks and the need to save them for future generations to admire.
  2. 3. Result of large amounts of runoff full of nutrients into waterways such as streams, ponds or lakes, often human driven and caused due to a greater need for land for farming or factories
  3. 5. Where people went due to manifest destiny. The leaving of the East coast with the promise of a better life ahead of them. Helped country grow tremendously in size but also caused large amounts of ecological damage, like killing of buffalo and mass deforestation.
  4. 9. Theme of this crossword
  5. 12. a result of clearing land for farms or for urban development. Major problem faced by rural areas mainly in the Midwest and West due to unregulated logging and large subsidies by the government to increased mass cutting of forests to promote development.