Mala & Ronak's Baby Shower

  1. 2. This singing, dancing purple dinosaur was Mala's favorite stuffed animal, not just a character on TV
  2. 5. Known for its Mission Peak hikes and as the Tesla factory's home, this city welcomed Mala into the world
  3. 6. The first successful communication between a client and server via this browser marked a key moment in internet history in 1991
  4. 10. Big hair, big hats, and the Cowboys; this vibrant Texan city was where Ronak first said 'Howdy' to the world
  5. 11. This significant earthquake in Northern California occurred just two days after Ronak's birth in 1989
  6. 13. King This tale of a young cub’s journey to become ruler of the Pride Lands was Ronak's favorite movie
  7. 14. In 2024, this Mars explorer might make headlines again, roving the Red Planet's dusty terrain
  8. 15. This 1989-born star swiftly moved from country roots to pop fame, but not always on a 'Fearless' path
  9. 16. In 1991, this union said its final goodbye, marking the end of an era
  10. 18. A solar event in 2024 will have people looking skyward, as the moon plays hide-and-seek with the sun
  1. 1. This 'show about nothing' introduced us to a comedian and his quirky friends in New York in 1989, redefining sitcoms
  2. 2. In 1989, this German city turned a new leaf, removing a wall that was more than just bricks
  3. 3. Ronak's affectionate name for his favorite farm-themed blanket, also the name of a famous dance from the 1960s
  4. 4. The team that clinched the NBA Championship in 1991, led by a legendary Airman
  5. 7. Moon This book about bidding adieu to various items in a great green room was Mala's nighttime favorite
  6. 8. This mustachioed, ultra-polite neighbor brought 'diddly' fun to a 1989 premiere of a now-iconic animated show
  7. 9. Invited for laughs at Mala's first birthday, this circus character ironically sparked a lifelong aversion
  8. 12. In 2024, athletes will gather for this historic event in Paris, adding another chapter to its storied legacy
  9. 14. Ronak's first foray into solid foods, a common first step for many babies
  10. 17. In 1991, this animated film featuring a strong-willed heroine and a cursed prince captivated audiences
  11. 19. A bear of very little brain, but of great adventures in a forest, was Ronak's cherished stuffed friend