Malware and sceurity terms

  1. 4. very destructive
  2. 7. small; loves to group
  3. 8. virus; avoids detection
  4. 11. redundant; unwanted
  5. 13. let me change that for you
  6. 14. do you like my web form
  7. 16. greedy
  8. 17. many of one
  9. 19. I'm changing myself
  10. 20. come browse with me
  11. 21. I'm tricksey
  12. 22. reproducing
  1. 1. virus; infects all programs that lead into memory
  2. 2. overwhelmed
  3. 3. I cant read that
  4. 5. I want to click
  5. 6. Don't you know me?
  6. 7. virus; also memory resident in nature
  7. 9. virus; infects the area of storage
  8. 10. virus; hybrid, activates on boot
  9. 12. I'm watching you
  10. 15. I'm watching you too
  11. 18. virus; infects word, excel
  12. 21. transmits data