
  1. 7. Placental mammals
  2. 8. Insect eating mammals
  3. 9. The system mammal's use to breath
  4. 11. Pouched mammals
  5. 12. The type of blood in a mammal
  6. 14. Most land mammals have this many limbs (legs/arms)
  7. 15. Plant eating mammals
  8. 17. The number of well-known habitats that mammals reside.
  1. 1. A section of the mammal's heart
  2. 2. Number of sub-classes in class mammalia
  3. 3. Egg laying mammals
  4. 4. Another word for monotremes
  5. 5. What mammal's produce that assists with agriculture
  6. 6. The phylum of mammals
  7. 10. Meat eating mammals
  8. 11. Another word for marsupials
  9. 13. The system mammal's use for ingestion/digestion
  10. 16. Meat and plant eating mammals