
  1. 4. Extremely fierce or savage (9 letters)
  2. 5. Hard structures for biting and chewing (5 letters)
  3. 6. Sharp, curved nails (5 letters)
  4. 8. Flying appendages (5 letters)
  5. 9. Intensely aggressive or strong (6 letters)
  6. 13. Relating to ancient Persia (7 letters)
  7. 14. Arachnid with a venomous tail (8 letters)
  8. 15. Very old or from the distant past (7 letters)
  9. 16. Extending appendage (4 letters)
  10. 17. Collection of traditional stories (9 letters)
  1. 1. Meat-eating (11 letters)
  2. 2. Well-known and famous (9 letters)
  3. 3. Potentially harmful or threatening (9 letters)
  4. 6. Composed of different parts or creatures (8 letters)
  5. 7. Wild and untamed creature (5 letters)
  6. 10. Imaginary or unreal (7 letters)
  7. 11. Mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human or animal (6 letters)
  8. 12. King of the jungle (4 letters)