  1. 2. A process causing earthquakes.
  2. 4. What we need to start taking.
  3. 5. A threat to many areas of our environment.
  4. 7. Waste problem in India.
  5. 8. Melting due to global warming.
  6. 10. A major pollutant affecting the seas.
  7. 12. What we need to stand up for.
  8. 13. What the UK needs to embrace.
  9. 14. Man-made and devastating.
  10. 16. The study of the environment and its preservation.
  11. 17. FUEL What the US government supports.
  1. 1. What we lack but need for change.
  2. 3. Heated up by greenhouse gases.
  3. 6. The ultimate goal for an environmental future.
  4. 9. A state we need to move away from.
  5. 11. Essential for ecology, yet being cut down.
  6. 15. A devastated ecological wasteland.