Management of Patients with Endocrine Disorders & Diabetes

  1. 2. Disorder that results from excess growth hormone
  2. 5. An ________ in stress can increase glucose levels
  3. 7. Symptoms include sweating, tremors, clammy, tachycardia, palpitations, nervousness, hunger
  4. 8. Medical term for bulging eyes
  5. 9. Best insulin for DKA along with hydration, and electrolyte replacement
  6. 12. People with ______ in their urine should not exercise, could cause hyperglycemia
  7. 13. Symptoms include heat intolerance, tachycardia, diarrhea, weight loss, bulging eyes
  8. 14. _______ blood glucose of 126 or more is a diagnostic finding of diabetes
  9. 16. Diabetic _______ absence of insulin resulting in abnormal metabolism of carbs, protein, and fat
  10. 18. _______ acting insulin should be administered 15 minutes before a meal
  11. 19. _____ works with norepinephrine for the fight or flight response
  12. 20. Sometimes caused by thyroidectomy because of the disruption of the parathyroid gland during the surgery
  13. 21. TSH determines _____ function
  1. 1. _______ occurs when the immune system attacks the thyroid gland
  2. 3. Symptoms include Bronze skin pigmentation, weakness, weight loss, hypoglycemia, changes in distribution of body hair
  3. 4. _______ and calcium work opposite of each other is one is high the other is low
  4. 6. Diabetics need to be mindful of _______ as well as sugar intake
  5. 10. Symptoms include moon face, gynecomastia in males, edema, hyperglycemia, thin skin, amenorrhea and hirsutism in females
  6. 11. Symptoms include lethargy, weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, constipation, facial/eyelid edema
  7. 15. A type 2 diabetic has impaired insulin _______ and has insulin resistance
  8. 17. What is a therapeutic effect of Desmopression, _______ within therapeutic range