Manga and Anime

  1. 2. the eight best manga comic
  2. 4. a anime that involves nin jutsu and martial arts
  3. 6. is a weapon used in the anime naruto
  4. 7. is a character out of a japanese anime dragon ball z
  5. 8. this person is a manga and anime creatot
  6. 9. seventh best anime
  7. 11. where is the word anime abbrieviated from
  8. 13. where does manga and anime originate
  9. 14. is an japaneze anime company
  10. 15. is narutos best friend and worst enemy
  1. 1. is a special ability that many characters in dragon ball z use
  2. 3. producer of naruto
  3. 5. a anime created by hayao miyazki
  4. 10. a japanese style comic
  5. 12. a japanese style anime