manga and anime

  1. 3. name of the main character from the anime and manga series ...boy
  2. 4. a Japanese style of comic book
  3. 7. name of a anime tv show
  4. 9. the last name of a manga writer
  5. 12. teacher name of a manga comic book
  6. 13. name of one of a anime tv show
  7. 15. there is many a... in anime and manga
  1. 1. the first word in the name of the anime tv show ...ball z
  2. 2. the last name of a anime producer
  3. 5. name of a manga comic book
  4. 6. a type of japanese cartoon
  5. 8. the last name of the anime character Naruto
  6. 10. there is many m... in anime and manga
  7. 11. a the type manga and anime come under
  8. 14. where was manga and anime was made