Manichoosh insect

  1. 3. The crawling larva with legs of the "maemaengwaen" and "aen poo't toneur" (four words)
  2. 6. The front two wings make up the hard body case of these bugs (two words)
  3. 8. A place where "frimii" live (four legs)
  4. 10. Featuring large hind legs, these hoppers like eating plants
  5. 12. An insect with a hard exoskelton that lives on and in water (four words)
  6. 13. An insect using a pair of wings for flying, and the other pair of wings are smaller and mainly provide balance.
  7. 14. Stripy pollinator flying from flower to flower
  1. 1. Flying nocturnal pollinators with 4 wings, and usually fuzzy antennae (three words)
  2. 2. An insect with its wings forming the exoskeleton, most notably red or orange with black dots (2 words)
  3. 4. Red or black insects with exoskeleton, strong jaws, and serve Queens in the colony
  4. 5. The home for the insect called "amoo" (four words)
  5. 7. A slender burrowing cylindrical insect without legs (two words)
  6. 9. Eight legged crawling creatures who like to spin webs (two words)
  7. 11. Fluttering diurnal pollinator with 4 brightly colored wings usually with thin antennae and balls at the end of these feelers