manufacturing technology

  1. 1. The process of phosphating aluminum and steel parts is called _____ Coating
  2. 3. Capital cost is ______ and it is easy to operate and maintain AJM
  3. 6. non-consumable electrode is used in which arc spraying method
  4. 7. ECM works on the principle of _________ of electroplating
  5. 10. work piece is connected as ____ in electro chemical grinding principles
  6. 11. ______ Wear is flat portion worn behind the cutting edge
  7. 13. metal used in galvanizing for coating
  8. 15. EDM is used to produce ________ geometric shapes
  9. 17. tool ____________is based on the amount of wear
  10. 18. process that changes the shape of grinding wheel
  11. 19. ____ is requried for grinding wheel for restoring its wheel cutting capacity
  1. 2. if the ____ angle is large chip thickness is less
  2. 3. in which production case fixture is used ?
  3. 4. Shear ______ may be defined as deformation per unit length
  4. 5. no of edges for single point cutting tool
  5. 8. Electron Beam Machining is required to be carried out in _____
  6. 9. use of manganese phosphated coatings for improved______ resistance
  7. 12. metal cutting operation performed by rotating abrasive wheel
  8. 14. jigs are ____ in construction
  9. 16. gears are used for ______ transmit