
  1. 4. This plan sought to transform China into a world power
  2. 7. This Anti Campaign was targeted against members of the CCP and GMD officials
  3. 10. Primary goal of the second five-year plan
  4. 11. One of the causes of the failure of the second five-year plan wasn’t human but natural
  5. 12. Reformer and former head of the Communist party
  6. 13. Type of reform that was the focus of Mao’s early policies.
  7. 14. Form of government that Mao instituted in China
  8. 18. Primary result of the second five-year plan
  9. 19. The second five-year plan urged Chinese citizens to take a great ___ forward
  1. 1. Mao aided in the planning of China’s operations in this war
  2. 2. This Anti Campaign was targeted against corrupt business practices
  3. 3. State of revolution hoped for by Mao to ensure the interests of the common people
  4. 5. Main Political Opponents of the Communists
  5. 6. Leader of the Chinese Communists and a card game
  6. 8. Number of “flowers” that were allowed to “bloom” under Mao’s early policies
  7. 9. The ____ March, undertaken by Communists during the Civil War
  8. 14. Chinese Communist Party
  9. 15. Number in which the death toll of the great famine can be measured
  10. 16. Acronym for Communist Army
  11. 17. Production of this was the hoped-for result of Mao’s failed backyard-furnace plan